Boost your evaluation and training systems
Today, all large companies and institutions need a complete solution to develop and deploy assessments, make training more effective and stimulate learning within their teams.
And all of this is integrated into their LMS!
We assume that you have invested heavily in your E-learning platform so we have learned to master the constraints of any big LMS (Learning Management System) such as Cornerstone™, Crossknowledge™, SAP™ ...in order to integrate our dynamic quiz, assessment and training creation tools.
With Eyval, you can therefore create diversified and fun quizzes, and export them in the SCORM format of your choice to integrate them into your training courses directly in your LSM.
Our game based solutions will enable you to transform your learning outcomes and significantly improve the effectiveness of your training courses.
We’ve been experts in developing test gamification for nearly 20 years. So far, we’ve been continuing to stay focused in this one area so we can provide the best service at the best price.
Our expertise allows us to offer you to take full advantage of your proprietary LMS such as Cornerstone™, Crossknowledge™, SAP™ ..., by integrating the quizzes created with our tools, to combine the benefits of your robust e-learning solution with our fun learning games.